As some folks are likely aware, today was my last day at IBM. I was previously at Sequent, who was bought by IBM, since 1997. I've been working with many of the same people for 11 years. Am I still a young-un if I think 11 years is a hella long time to work at one place?
I really enjoyed working in IBM's Linux Technology Center. It is a unique and incredible working environment. I highly recommend the LTC for folks interested in any aspect of server related Linux work. However, IBM isn't a graphics company these days, so the advancement opportunities for a graphics specialist are limited. At many times over the years there wasn't enough "fundable" graphics work, so I had to work on other things. Faced with the choice of changing my technical focus or move on, I have decided to move on.
Where am I going? To Intel, of course. I'll be joining keithp,
anholt, and jbarnes at Intel. It seems they have a lot of graphics
work to do these days, and they have no shortage in sight. I'm really
excited to join their team. I've already been going over my Mesa "to
do" to see what I might be able to tackle. There are a lot of
I'll be starting at Intel on 6/30. Between now and then I will be vacationing with my wife in Europe. I'm taking a laptop, but I don't know how often I'll be able to / want to check e-mail. On the way to the Netherlands (our first stop), I have a 12 hour) lay-over in Houston. I sure hope they have free wifi...ugh...