Last Sunday night, my wife fell down our basement stairs broke her right leg. This isn't some pansy hair-line fracture. Heavens no! She broke the living daylights out of it! Anyway, Monday morning she had surgery to insert an adamantium "nail" along her tibia. This is in lieu of a hip-to-ankle cast. Tuesday evening she came home from the hospital.
She's doing okay now. Getting her to the potty and only getting 90 minutes of sleep at a time is rough on both of us. Each day she gets a little stronger, and getting up gets a little easier.
The whole point of this is that she's not getting a real cast. That means there's nothing for anybody to sign. What a rip off! So, this is her virtual cast. You can leave messages for her here. If you have any troubles, drop me an e-mail, and I'll sort it out.
We'll see you tonight. :^)
My heart goes out to you both. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
idr: Blame the cat!
The news was out that your leg was broken, but, whoa, you SERIOUSLY broke your leg! Jesus F. Christ!
I wish you increasing hours of good sleep and hopefully at least you got some awesome medications.
This has not been what I would have written on an actual cast. That would have been something like "get well soon!"
Sorry Rose =(
That x-Ray would scare Chuck Norris.
Gee, that is some break! Here's to getting better as soon as possible. Hope to see you moving along very soon. Take care, love ya. Jim
I'm very sorry Rose that had to hurt soooo badly. Hope the pain is getting less. You have a very sweet husband for doing this for you.
Sorry if I've been driving you nuts on the phone.
Ouchy Rose! I hope the pain gets better soon. And your up to your trouble again soon.
You have a very sweet husband for doing this for you.